Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Unhappy Morning

Real bad - that's how it went.  We lost our Congressman, our state representatives (the best state representatives anyone ever had - we'll miss you so) and almost all of our local positions got filled up with big-money-over-people people.  

Perry got re-elected along with a bunch of corporate tools at the state-level - real bad.  

We tried to get people in office who care about our children and our air and water, but all that unrestricted (thank you, Supreme Court) corporate money got us.  We are going to have to come up with some very creative ways to help regular people beat that kind of money.

Things are going to be very hard, as if they haven't been hard enough, over the next few years.  I fear for the safety of our environment and our children.  We must work very hard to protect them from the minions of Republicorp.

Let's take a deep breath and get at it.


  1. Voldemort indeed.

  2. Yucky...I haven't even bothered to look at Maine's results. I almost feel like people get what they deserve for being lambs led to the slaughter (of course the children and the air can't vote, but if they could, could we count on them to not be swayed by big money ads?).

  3. @Veloute- maybe some chocolate will help~ couldn't hurt.
    @Lone Star Ma :~( I will be interested to hear what the conversation is like @ the high school lunch table today. My 9th grader is amazed to be sitting with a group that puts him in the majority for once, outlook wise. That, at least is a :~) thing. They give me hope.
