Saturday, November 27, 2010

Time And Other Numbers

I have been teaching the Lone Star Baby to tell time this week.  Granted, one does not wish for children to learn this skill too soon, as it is good to be able to pull "bedtime" out of the ether whenever it is needed.  All the same, the Lone Star Baby is in first grade and she has been showing a marked interested in the hands of the clock lately ("what shade of eight is it?"), so now seems to be the appropriate time to learn.

She has a clock puzzle sort of thing with movable hands so we started with that.  Today we moved on to worksheets of blank clock faces.  I give her times and she draws the hands.  She is picking it up very quickly.  I need to try it the other way, where I give her the hands and she writes the time, but once she has that down, she will have the skill mastered.  

The Lone Star Baby's school hasn't mentioned telling time yet, but the Lone Star Girl was in first grade when they took it on in her math class and it wasn't pretty with her.  Tears and resistance were her usual response to homework of any kind, especially math.  The Lone Star Baby finds this sort of thing much more appealing and enjoys practicing it, though.  Yay - it's much nicer this way.

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