Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that you and yours have plenty to be thankful for this season.  I admit that I have felt a little bit besieged of late, but even with it getting harder every day to provide for my family's needs, we still are very blessed and have so much.

I am thankful for my children and my ability to care for them.  So thankful. 

What are you thankful for in this season of waning harvest and winter's door?


  1. I am thankful I have a sweet girl who still lets me kiss her cheeks from time to time. She reminds me of her baby self when she's asleep, and I get that teary feeling.

  2. I was telling her about this bit of thankfulness this morning, and that's when she came up with the "LoneStar Song." I hope it made it to your inbox!

  3. Yes - saw it today. We adore it. Thank you!!!!
