Monday, November 29, 2010

BIG Writing News

So, just when I have been posting whiny rants about how my writing is going nowhere....

Today was our first day back at school after the holiday - one of those mornings that feels way too early.  This morning, while I was getting dressed, I got on the computer to check on the progress of my BoxTops submissions in my role as the BoxTops Goddess at the Lone Star Baby's school (The Boxtops are doing great, by the way).  There I found waiting for me an e-mail from the (beloved) editor of Vox Poetica saying that she nominated my poem for a Pushcart Prize!!!!!!

(You may now insert the sound of high-pitched, mega-excited squealing.  Louder.)


So.  That sort of changes the way I feel about how my writing is going, you know?  Not everyone gets Pushcart-nominated before forty, right?   I guess I'm doing something right.  (More squealing.)

I am so, very, incredibly excited.  While I know I won't win, I am determined that this is the start of a bright new future for my writing, fueled by the positive vibes of feeling so thrilled.  Yeah - actually I can write better than this, but not while I am still squealing.  

You may read the poem that Ms. Lockhart of Vox Poetica nominated here: Hearts.

(More squealing.)


  1. EEEEEEeeeee!!! I'm squealing with you! That is soooo fantastic! Congratulations!

  2. Totally squeal-worthy!

  3. Wow! Golly! That is great news. Wait until I name-drop in conversation, "My friend whose poem was nominated for a Pushcart Prize...."

  4. Thank you! here's a link to the announcement:
