Monday, October 11, 2010

Scary Bleachers

At the Lone Star Girl's swim meet on Saturday, I was sitting in the bleachers in her team's section in between her events.  She had gotten up to go check on a diver-friend who had taken a spill and I was sort of zoning out.  After a few minutes, I noticed that a pistachio shell had been in my field of vision for awhile.  I looked around and, a little behind and above the Lone Star Girl's bags on the bleachers, a boy was munching rather messily from a bag of nuts.  I looked around - they were getting everywhere in the team's section.  I started to get that panicky feeling in my gut and I picked up the Lone Star Girl's stuff and moved a bit away from the team's section on the bleachers.  I got the Lone Star Girl's attention and motioned her over.  When she came, I explained why we had moved and for her to be careful.

Then, while the Lone Star Girl was swimming, two boys from her team scooted over to where we had moved, eating little pecan pies.   Eek!  I explained uncomfortably that we were running out of places to move to and could they please keep the pies closer to the team section, which they did.  At least they tried to, but I was pretty uncomfortable with the proximity of all the nuts.

When the Lone Star Girl finished the relay she was swimming, she was done with all of her three events for that meet, so I let the coach know that the nuts were making me nervous and we left early.

Sometimes it feels like no place is safe.

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