Sunday, October 24, 2010

Isn't It Romantic?

The run of the first high school play that the Lone Star Girl has participated in was this past Thursday through today.  They performed Isn't It Romantic? by Wendy Wasserstein.  It was a really excellent play.  I hadn't read or seen this one before but another play by the same playwright is one of my favorites - The Heidi Chronicles.  Ms. Wasserstein writes smart plays and I, who am very much a snob about the theatre, had my doubts about one of her plays being performed by a group of high schoolers ... but it was really good!  They are a talented bunch of kids who did a great job!  The Lone Star Girl played the telephone operator, which was just one line repeated twice, but she was the only freshperson cast, so I think it was pretty exciting for her to be in it at all.  I went to see it with Jazz on Thursday night and I went to see it again, with Lone Star Pa and the Lone Star Baby, on Saturday night.  My dad and step-mom caught the closing matinee today.  Huzzah for our little Drama Queen!

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