Friday, October 29, 2010

First Nine Weeks!

I am so proud of my baby!  The Lone Star Girl got her first high school report card today and she got all A's - and she is in an International Baccalaureate program which is quite challenging.  She has worked really hard.  Her goal is to be ranked one of the top twenty people in her class (which now has about 600 students in it but which will probably be much smaller at graduation time).  She has some really stiff competition in her program, but with these grades on her first report card, I know she will do it.  She is fairly new to life as a serious scholar, having been more of the "grades and other numbers are just establishment illusions, Mom" type prior to 8th grade when she started to buckle down a bit.  She sees the connection between grades and college scholarships, though, so now she wants to work hard.  I am quite impressed with the direction she's going these days.  Wonderful kid I've got.

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