Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Unexpected Leg-Up

Today, when I arrived at my school, it was very, very hot.  Also dark in a lot of places.  We have a very closed floor plan and few windows.  This state of affairs seemed...troubling.  (It is a middle school, you know.) Fortunately, we were allowed to get the kids off home and leave before mid-day so that no one had to melt utterly.  This presented wild opportunities - what to do?

I did and turned in Girl Scout paperwork.  Also bought guinea pig bedding.  Picked the Lone Star Baby up right after school and took her to get dinner and get started on her spelling homework before the PTO meeting.  Now I don't have to go to the Girl Scout office tomorrow so I can pick the girls up, allowing Lone Star Pa more time to get to his coaches meeting.  

I have made lunches and received the run-down of each girl's day now and the LSB is in the bathtub.

I feel a few milliseconds ahead of the game.  Yay!


  1. What a treat! It's always nice when the hampster wheel slows down a bit.

  2. I hope you've had a few more seconds of breathing room since last you wrote.

  3. Thanks. I did finish Mockingjay - so cheery it was.
