Saturday, September 18, 2010

Of Swimming And Soccer Games

Today was supposed to be the Lone Star Girl's first high school swim meet and the Lone Star Baby's first soccer game of the season.  I had elaborate inter-dimensional schemes for making both (and they involved my sister), but I did not end up needing the schemes, due to the soccer game being rained out.  Lone Star Pa and the Soccer Girl were very disappointed, but I was a little relieved, being somewhat concerned about the effects that my plans might have on the time-space continuum.

The Lone Star Girl loved her first high school meet and I enjoyed attending it (except for the loud whistles).  I could not help noticing how extremely touchy and flirty all the wet, swimsuit-clad teens were with each other, even the ones who I knew had no real interest in, shall we say, courting.  I was reminded of the behavior of young people in the theatre when I was all ripe and young like that.   I felt like writing sociology papers about teen swimmers.  Or just about teens.  High school is indeed upon us, people.  It is.

After the meet, the Lone Star Girl and I ran some mildly frivolous errands together and then decided that it was raining too much to continue and came home before running any of the truly practical errands.  I mulched the Daisies' garden service project for tomorrow.  We hung out on the couch.  All in all, it has been a rather peaceful day, really.

'Night, Scouts.

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