Sunday, September 05, 2010

Firsts And Fish Tanks

The Lone Star Baby had her first spelling homework this past week, culminating in her first spelling test (even though they don't give grades)  Friday.  She loved it.  Wanted to do more homework than assigned.  Filled her need by reading a couple of extra chapter books this week.  I hope she is always just as motivated as she is these first weeks of first grade.

There is a fish tank in the front of the school filled with coral, anemone and a few fish.  It is really something.  We  stop to check it out every morning on our way into early care.  After a few days, she told me that there are little baby starfish - lots of them - in the tank.  I was skeptical, but she showed me.  It's amazing.  Little green starfish about the size of a fingernail cling to the coral.  In different places every day.  Super cool.


  1. Found you through Natural Kids. What a great start to the first grade. Good luck helping to keep her enthusiasm high!
