Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ada Lovelace Day

Happy Ada Lovelace Day!  Today is a day set aside for honoring women in technology and science and this post is in memory of one of my favorite such women, Mary Anning.

Mary Anning lived from 1799-1847 on the Southern coast of England and made numerous important paleontological discoveries, perhaps most notably the first fossilized plesiosaur and the first Ichthyosaurus.  Mary Anning was a self-taught fossil hunter who was sought out by many renowned scientists due to her wide knowledge of fossils.  She made her living selling fossils for most of her life.

There is a wonderful children's book by Don Brown about Mary Anning that my girls have loved called Rare Treasures:  Mary Anning And Her Remarkable Discoveries.

Is there a woman in technology or science that you would like to share informaton about?  Please tell us about her in your comments or post about her on another blog.


  1. I love how you're always so in touch with women's history and literature (Ada Lovelace Day? Never heard of it! Thanks for enlightening me!) And I must check out a copy of that book for my little dino-loving boys. I'm sorry to say I'm very ill-informed on women's contributions to science and technology (Marie Curie? Lynn Margulis? Jane Goodall?) Time for me to get educated!

  2. Thanks for this post! I'm a Maria Mitchell fan. I'm also a fan of Rosalind Franklin, who should have received a Nobel prize along with Watson, Crick and Wilkins for the DNA model.

  3. I am also a Maria Mitchell fan. I have a wonderful children's book about her called Maria's Comet. Rosalind Franklin I didn't know yet. Thanks!
