Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When Well-Intentioned Parents Murder Their Children Because Their Church Taught Them To

I read this article from Lynne Harris on Salon.com today.  

I am glad that at least some members of the religious right are realizing now what dangerous, wacky un-Christian folks the Pearls and their ilk are and that they have a responsibility not to start movements teaching loving, religious parents to abuse and kill their children just because some whack jobs call it Christian. I have written articles on these scary so-called Christian disciplinarians before, but I, of course, am flawed, being only a member of the religious left, and a pacifist besides.  Maybe now that some members of the religious right are actually speaking out, some churches and people will actually listen.

I wish it hadn't cost children their lives for this lesson to start being learned.

God help us.


  1. Even as a non-parent, that was difficult to read. :/

  2. Even enlightened dog trainers know that punishment only brings fear, not understanding. Undoing the damage can take a lifetime.
