Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February YA Pick: The Carbon Diaries 2015

This month's pick is a good read and another book that the Girl was willing to read even though I recommended it - The Carbon Diaries 2015 by Saci Lloyd.  The year is 2015 and climate change  has ransacked the earth, causing storms and shortages.  The UK had planned to somewhat more gradually implement a a 60% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 but after the Great Storm, they decided to do it immediately.  All citizens were issued carbon cards with strict allowances and harsh penalties for overages.  Europe is expected to follow soon (but the still clueless).  English teen Laura is worried about the climate but also about keeping her band alive and her family together...and catching the eye of the boy next door...all on 200 Carbon Points a month. 

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