Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Montessori Baby On First Grade In The Fall

"When I go to my new school, will I just sit and answer things or will I get up and do work?"

(We don't know.  We don't know where she's going yet.)


  1. Really? How will you decide? What are your choices? Blog more about this. (Me, I'm so excited that my boys will get on a school bus and I won't have to deal with the boots/ coats/ hats/ mittens into the cubby, slippers on routine every morning and vice versa every night that I'd be fine with them going to some kind of work camp!)

  2. Hem. Real blog posts about this will probably only be written once we know what we can choose between. I would like for her either to attend the charter dual immersion (English/Spanish) Montessori school (which is a lottery, in March) or the public GT school, now an IB World school as well, where her sister went that you have to test into - we await her test results. (Her sister has a fall birthday and was already 6 when testing while her summer birthday made her a young five still - I know she's at least as smart as her sister but I don't know if she was mature enough for that sort of test.) There is also a fine arts public school (lottery) and a sort-of dual immersion public lab school at the university (lottery) and our neighborhood school, if nothing better pans out (we won't be able to afford private options much longer now that we have one (as of last May)-going-on-two (my car is very old) car payments. My concern about the neighborhood school is that elementary school these days is all reading-math-reading-math-reading-math at any school that doesn't have stellar test results because of all the test pressure. I really want a more well-rounded experience for her.
