Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby Bloom

The Lone Star Baby and I were getting out of Roseanne (my trusty Corolla) today at the same time that the assistant teacher from her class was getting out of her car with her toddler.  This teacher has only been at the school for a few months and, although her English is beautiful, it is clearly not her first language.  She stopped to let me know that Marigold "is a good kid".  She tried to clarify what she meant - not that Marigold is smart or that she behaves well for them, both things that they have often told me - but that she is good inside, "in her feelings", the teacher said.  She searched for the words to explain to me that she thought this was the most important thing - being a good person - more important than all of Marigold's academic skills or compliance at school.  I tried to smile and thank her for the compliment politely instead of crying with joy like a sentimental mess.  The Lone Star Baby really is a good little person and we are so proud of her.

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