Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Melamine - It's Here

Now melamine has been found in trace amounts in U.S. -made infant formula. If I wasn't such a Quaker, pacifist, type, I think I'd be calling for taking the Nestle folks and the other formula makers out behind a children's hospital to be shot or something. But I'm not calling for that. We have to use our words. And our wallets.

It sort of serves us right, I suppose. It has always been the U.S. that stands up for the formula companies when they are committing atrocities to infants in Third World counties - now they are tainting our own babies' food supplies. What did we really expect?


Saints and Spinners said...

What are we going to do? Nestle thus far hasn't seem to pay a whit of attention to all of the cricism it's recevied, and when they bought Gerber, I just about plotzed.

Lone Star Ma said...

Well, I don't know what we can do other than continuing to push for stronger safety standards for formula and continuing to boycott Nestle products. I think the boycott helped way back when, before the Reagan Admin. undermined the WHO Code. For so long now, though, momentum has been poor. Nestle owns so much that it is hard to keep up, but it surely would make a difference if Americans wouldn't buy their products. The CPSC has finally banned pthlalates in child care articles after many years of advocacy...hopefully we can get the FDA to pay attention to this, too. Let's think about how we can mobilize...

gojirama said...

I hope this opens some eyes for new mamas...