Thursday, July 24, 2008

Weathering Dolly

We're all fine here. The storm went in near Brownsville so we missed the worst of the winds and flooding. We are on the rain and possible tornado side of things and we got a lot of rain, but only a reasonable amount of wind, given how windy it always is here. There are still various flash flood warnings and tornado watches, but things seem to have calmed right down. Here is the Lone Star Baby holding my K-Nex version of the hurricane:

Here is our soggy backyard:

At one point yesterday morning, the news dudes said that a tornado had been picked up on radar heading...roughly towards our house, it sounded like. I woke up Lone Star Pa and the Lone Star Girl and herded them and the Lone Star Baby into our tiny hallway. We closed all the doors that open to it and tented a mattress over us just in case - but then the weather dudes said it was one of those Doppler tornadoes that aren't really anywhere close to the ground and that all was well, so we came out. Probably only we even took precautions - we're pretty serious about weather. Our tornado shelter:

Once again, we are very, incredibly fortunate.


  1. good that ya'll are okay up there. Looks about how the valley looks. I wonder if we'll be getting any more round these parts in the coming months.
