Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Great Room Maneuver: Part Two

The plan to move the Lone Star Girl into the green room with her precious comic book boxes had actually been at least a year in the making. When, however, we actually settled down to doing it this summer, the Lone Star Girl got cold feet about leaving her childhood room. While I felt sympathy for her attachment to the room, outwardly I brooked no resistance. The facts were that the green room was a good bit larger than her pink and yellow room and that, even in the green room, the comic book boxes would make it hard to fit all of her things. There was no way that they would fit in the smaller room and leave space for the room to ever be clean, and the Lone Star Girl's allergies require that we start insisting on a clean room for her (more on that later). Also, the Lone Star Baby is deep into her pink and fluffy little princess four-year-old girl phase and, while we all hope that the phase doesn't last long, she really deserves her turn with the pretty pink and yellow room, which she wanted badly.

So. We cleared everything out of the green room except for the comic book boxes and moved the Lone Star Girl in this past week, before and after the hurricane. Now it is no longer the green room; it is her room. Although the room is and always will still be crowded with those boxes, it is actually a pretty groovy room for an adolescent girl and definitely looks more her than her old room did.

Of course, the rest of the stuff that used to clutter up the green room is now piled all over the house in a major way, increasing the generally insane look of the rest of our surroundings, but the Lone Star Girl's room is very cool.

To Be Continued...


  1. *cough* Not that anyone around here reads comics or collects them, no no no, but what does she read?

  2. Most things Marvel. X-Men, and the teen series such as Exiles and Runaways and Spider-Girl. And everything.

  3. We painted our room green! It's the kind of green that a pregnant woman who suddenly wants a room a la Goodnight Moon insists she needs, and then later says, "Uh, maybe we should have gone for a more neutral color."

    You can tell the LSG that I'm going to endevor to keep a cleaner house because I think the dust is really having a detrimental effect-- and it's so hard, because nothing ever stays dusted! It just gets dusty again.

  4. I know - we are generally slobs but we have to get the dust under control.

  5. I have boxes of X-Men myself...and and several of the side series, mostly anything involving Gambit, Rogue and Blink. She should come take some of mine!

    I'd like to suggest Sandman, though the first one is a smidge violent (the author changed his direction after that) so I'm not going to right now. Might be better when she's a bit older, but it's a really great story and the art is fantastic. And the author, Neil Gaiman, has written some really fantastic books as well!

  6. I loved American Gods but hated Coraline (very well-written, but too scary). Sandman is with a smaller company, yes? I'm not sure she would be willing to read any non-Marvel...it's sort of a religion for her...she thinks DC fans are not worthy.

  7. Hee hee :) Sandman was indeed printed by Vertigo, which is owned by DC. However if it helps at all, he's writing for Marvel now and has a lot lately. Just don't tell her Vertigo is a DC company. I'm in the same came, I really don't like 99% of DC's comics, but Sandman is a class of its own. Like I said, maybe another year or two older, I think she'd fall in love with the characters.

    I didn't care for Coraline either, but loved American Gods, Good Omens and The Anansi Boys. He's got a great talent for a story.
