Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Great Room Maneuver: Part Three

After setting up her own new room, the Lone Star Girl was tasked with cleaning up her old room so we could set it up for her sister. This was rough. She had destroyed many parts of the paint job - there was sharpie and such on parts of the walls as well as on some of the furniture we were leaving in the room for the Lone Star Baby. She scrubbed away with the magic eraser on Saturday, but it wasn't easy. I ended up taking over on Sunday and, after scrubbing what could be scrubbed, decided to do a little touch-up painting. I took three shelving units outside and painted them pink, and touched up the pink paint where it was needed in the bedroom. That worked fine. Then came the yellow. I touched up certain places on the walls, door and dresser drawers with the exact same yellow paint (from the same can) that had done the original job. It looked...different. A little more orange than the old yellow. We thought at first that it might look the same when it dried, but it didn't. I think some rust changed the paint color. I suppose most people would have re-painted the whole room, but we are leaving it splotched for now - this job was big enough.

We got the most of the Lone Star Baby's things moved into the room on Sunday (and finished up the books on Monday). the Lone Star Baby helped Lone Star Pa put together a shelving unit of bins that we had gotten and she was very proud of her artistry. She was wildly excited as we organized the room, a bin or shelf space for every thing - all organized with places for everything to go. We also set up a little blanket-and-cushion reading nook next to her bookcase, which she loves, and moved the coloring house in there. She is thrilled with her room and is playing with her toys more than ever, now that she can easily find them and put them away.

Monday night and last night, she slept in her own bed. It took some time to get her to sleep, but then she stayed there the whole night. Wowza. I declare the Great Room Maneuver a rousing success! I am so glad that they finally have nice spaces.

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