Monday, July 07, 2008

Cousin Camp, Days 9 and 10

On Saturday, the little primas and I had a great time while the Lone Star Girl was at a swim meet with Lone Star Pa (it was pretty far away and we decided everyone would be happier if we didn't try to get the little ones to sit through it). We had a picnic breakfast and then went to Lakeview Park, which has a pond/lake and ducks. We tried to feed the ducks, but the seagulls got most of the bread and tortillas that we brought. There were also lots of cute turtles in the water. The girls played on a playground at the park and walked the trail around the water with me. We then took a picnic to the Botanical Gardens and ate there, then looked around at all the flowers and butterflies again. We got ice cream on the way home. It was great. However, the girls then got too close and too wild, playing on the couch, and the Lone Star Baby accidentally kicked the Lone Star Niece in the face. It scared me a bit because it was right next to the eye and there was a tiny spot of cut, but the Lone Star Niece was thankfully fine. I got so mad at the Lone Star Baby for not being more careful that I sent her to bed for the afternoon, though, and then the Lone Star Niece was pretty bored.

On Sunday, we went out for breakfast, played around the house, went to the library, watched a little Magic School Bus, baked cookies and decorated activity bags for the car.

Today, we are heading out for San Antonio to meet the Lone Star Niece's daddy there so he can take her home to Dallas. We are also sending the Lone Star Girl on with him as he has agreed to deliver her to her paternal grandmother in Denton, near Dallas, where she will be visiting a few days before the rest of us drive up to visit and get her. All in all, I'd say that Cousin Camp 2008 has been a success!

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