Saturday, June 14, 2008

Texas Summer Reading Club Jubilee

This summer marks the 50th anniversary of the Texas Summer Reading Club. We are having to participate differently this year as our library branch is closed this summer due to renovation. We are going to be going to the Central Library for story time, etc. instead. The first story time there, after the kick-off shows, was this past week and the Lone Star Baby was a little freaked when it started with songs she didn't know, especially since there was a whole class of kids her age there who clearly attend story time at that library regularly and knew the songs, participating with gusto. She cried a little. She was very interested in the books, though, and by the end was brave enough to partner up with another little girl for a song - she had lots of fun doing that. I think she will enjoy this story time very much as soon as she is more comfortable. She wants to go to craft time there on Monday.

Since we go to an evening story time during the school year, the Lone Star Baby isn't used to seeing daycare classes at story time. At one point, she leaned close to me and whispered: But Mommy, all these kids - where are their parents? She was so cute. I explained that the kids were there with their school - she had to process that one for a moment. Her school has been more inclined to bring programs in rather than taking the kids out to things during the school day.

We logged in the Lone Star Baby's first ten books and are working on some more. When checking books out from the library, she is partial to the out-of-print books by Miriam Cohen that I refer to as the first grade books and she refers to as the Jim books because they are about a first grade class and there is a sweet little boy named Jim in the class. Her sister also enjoyed these books as a young child. They are very sweet and portray a nurturing, old school first grade, with little academic pressure. Would that first grade were still that way.

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