Saturday, June 21, 2008

Organic Farmer's Market Goodness

I got up early today to get to the Farmers' Market, because their e-mail report said they'd have figs. They did! I bought lots, even though only I eat them. I will not deny myself figs when they are available. I also got eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers and a cantaloupe. I still have a zucchini and most of a baggie of little cayenne peppers from two weeks ago. One little baggie is way too many peppers, I guess, since only I will be using them. I made some of those MorningStar Farms (since we don't much cook, we eat a lot from them) soy "steak" strips the other night and I stir-fried them with squash from the Farmers' Marker two weeks ago and just one little chopped up cayenne to eat over rice. It was super-super-super good - made the tofu so spicy. Of course, only I would eat it. Sigh.

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