Friday, June 27, 2008

Jumpin' Jack Flash

Last night, right after the fam got in and we tucked the Lone Star Niece into bed, Lone Star Pa came in from the garage and said "Come out here in the backyard and tell me if you smell gas." And I did. I actually had decided that this was the summer that we would be replacing the rusty gas line that ran from the main line into the house. Call it intuition - I knew it was time. We had been waiting on our overbooked plumber for several days already and, sure enough, it was time. We called the Gas Department and they came right over even though it was near to the middle of the night and turned off the gas. Today the plumber came and replaced the piece and then the gas department came back, said that all was well and turned stuff back on. Only our water heater and our seldom-used heating runs on gas, so we weren't much inconvenienced. Kind of scary, though. Lone Star Pa usually disparages his own olfactory sense, but it has served us well.

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