Monday, June 09, 2008

In Memoriam, with A World of Thanks

Edwina Froehlich, one of the seven Founding Mothers of La Leche League International, died yesterday after having suffered a stroke in late May. For so long now, since 1956, these seven women have shepherded this organization from a few women talking at a church picnic into an international organization that helps hundreds of thousands of mothers and babies across the globe. there are six.

I never met Edwina Froehlich, but I type this with tears running down my face...tears of gratitude for the support network that she and the other six Founding Mothers created and the central role that La Leche League played in my being able to mother my precious children much better than I would have done without La Leche League. I have always prayed to live a useful life and have always felt that I fall short, in so many ways, from helping others as I should...I so often feel overwhelmed. These seven women, six now, are so inspirational to me because they were like me...just mothers, just normal people who cared about something, but who were busy and had babies to tend to...and in 50 years, they changed the world in a huge and highly useful way for babies and mothers everywhere.

Nuestra Senora de Leche y Buen Parto...let me serve as they did.

I am so grateful for the life of Edwina Froehlich and the other six Founding Mothers, so grateful.