Sunday, June 08, 2008

Democrats, Unite!

Although I have been an Obama supporter since before the Texas primary, I still shed a little tear when reading about Clinton bowing out yesterday. I am so proud that a woman made it that far and I know that it will not be long before someone's daughter is the President of the United States. Maybe it will be Clinton's daughter, maybe mine - but some strong woman like Hillary will do it soon.

Now, though - now is the time for all Americans who care about the working people of this country to unite behind Barack Obama and see to it that he is the very next President of the United States. I believe he is the right person for the job, one who can bring healing to the class wars that divide our troubled nation. Let's get to work!


  1. I'm not even a Dem (I'm Green) but I'm rallying behind Obama.

  2. I'm with you out here in Pennsylvania!
