Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Business of Being Born

Please watch this movie, people. And please write angry letters railing at the American Medical Association for slamming Ricki Lake about supporting home birth. The AMA should be fucking sued for malpractice. The U.S. c-section rate is fucking one in three. We have the second highest rate of maternal mortality and the highest rate of infant mortality in the developed world. These scared and greedy and ignorant obstetricians are killing us and killing our babies. It stops here and now, mamas - because we are going to make it stop. We are educating ourselves and insisting on better. We are writing letters, writing articles and choosing midwifery. We are forcing the U.S. to meet acceptable standards of maternity care and if OB/GYNs are scared of lawsuits now, they need to imagine what we will do to them if they keep killing us. We are finished with it.


  1. There was a recent NYTimes article about women who are having a hard time getting medical coverage for the ir 2nd birth after having a caesarian birth for their first, because health insurance doesn't want to pay for the higher cost of what they view will probably be another surgery. The article is called "After Caesareans, Some See Higher Insurance Cost" and it's by Denise Grady (the link is making the formatting funky here).

  2. Thank you. I just looked it up and read it - it's an important article that I hope gets coverage. Of course, the reason companies do that is because it is with the second or subsequent section that the dangerous problems start to arise ... so many women get them when they don't need them the first time around, but still want to have more kids, and that's when things get dicey. And anyway I think it is still not right at all for insurance companies to do that. Grrr...
