Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sweeter Mornings

My days often get off to a difficult start with a Lone Star Baby who screams through whichever part of the morning routine is left after one of her secret, tired expectations has not been met, and screams throughout the ride to school. It is enough to jangle a Mama's nerves. Until quite recently, having such a morning might well mean that we also had a wailing, clingng morning drop-off at school...and nothing makes a Mama feel worse than that as she heads off to work.

Lately, though, while the Lone Star Baby is still prone to rough home/car mornings at about her normal rate of 50% of mornings, she seems to be committed to greeting card-sweet drop-offs. At school, she insists upon kisses and hugs and soulful looks and many syrupy-sweet "I love you"s and "good-bye"s. It is a big improvement.

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