Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Little Goth Girl

My family got miffed with me because I let the Lone Star Girl buy and wear black lipstick, eyeshadow etc. (at home and about - it's not allowed at school). They kept hissing that she is only twelve. I get the twelve part, but do not share their aversion to her baby-goth look. She is into the whole Nightmare Before Christmas motif, although she doesn't really have any such merchandise - just skull shoes and earrings and a little skull person purse and black, fingerless gloves, etc. They want to know why I am encouraging this. Frankly, I want to encourage her to take up any non-hoochie, non-rude style that she will feel motivated to care for...what I am looking for is grooming. We have never been fru-fru people, but my daughter tends to take a lack of attention to appearances to extremes. I worry about cleanliness and birds coming to nest. When the Lone Star Girl is cultivating her goth look, she is taking some care about her grooming and that is all good as far as I am concerned. I am happy that she has her own favored style - whatever it is.


  1. Hell, I can think of a dozen more things I'd hate to see on a 12 year old. So she's going through the black phaze early? Big deal! At least she's covered up, she's not out being obnoxious and rude and like you said, she's got something that she cares about.

    My friend's mother was HORRIFIED when my friend's 12 year old came out with dark purple nail polish on her nails. My friend finally yelled, "MOM, she got it out of MY drawer!" Which shut the mom up.

    Tell'em all to hush.

  2. I remember writing in my journal, "I'm thirteen years old! Is that so young?" One might smile now, but it's easy to forget how eager a girl might be to grow up just a little in terms of being able to do some stuff not accessible before. Twelve seems to be about right in terms of experimenting with makeup as a sometime thing, not a school thing.

    My husband and I talked about when Lucia may pierce her ears, if that's what she wants someday. I'm of the mind that when she's able and willing to take care of her ears and keep them clean, (inside the ears, too!), she'll probably be old enough for pierced ears.

  3. Our rule was that pierced ears come at menarche.

  4. I agree, tell'em all to hush. 12 sounds about right, anyway. And I long as my kids just groom themselves, I will be thrilled, lol.

    I can also think of MUCH worse things for a 12 year old to wear!
