Thursday, April 03, 2008

I've Joined A Cult

No, not the cult of Demeter, although that was a good guess, cowgirls.

It's the Diablo Chocolate Cult.

My sister, who I thought was going to become a Christian missionary before this enlightening experience, seduced me into this apostasy.

You, see - there's this new coffee house in town and it has gelato. There hasn't been such a place in this city for years and the one (mmm) that used to be here was just delectable sorbettos, nothing as fancy as the crazy flavors this place has. Now...I like chocolate very much, but I wouldn't normally get chocolate at a place where there were fancy fruit gelati because a middle-ish class person like myself could have chocolate pretty much any old time and the fancy fruit flavors of gelati are such interesting treats...but...


The gelato lady pressed taste spoons of this Diablo Chocolate upon us...she told us to taste it...and wait for it...and....oh my merciful chocolate deity!

A few seconds after you taste the chocolate, there is an aftertaste...a sharp, hot pepper aftertaste. It is the most weird and amazing and what-did-I-ever-think-I-needed-a-man-for thing you have ever had in your mouth.


I had a cup of it and the raspberry together. I wanted to go out evangelizing with a taste this...

I must now go begin my ministry...