Sunday, March 02, 2008

Meeting Resumed

With recent events, I have missed our last three Meetings and we only gather twice a month, so that's missing a lot. Today we made it back and had First Day School and Meeting and some good conversation - it was very nice. When I am overloaded to the breaking point, the thought of going to Meeting seems like one more pressure. When I really go, though, it is always just what I needed.

In First Day School today, we continued our exploration of Hinduism. Next, the girls are going to bring back some Hindu history and art to tell each other about and come up with some questions they would like to ask someone Hindu while I look for someone. Unrelated to our study of Hinduism, they also came up with a great idea for a project...more on that later.

We talked a bit today about diversity among Friends. I have been reading some Quaker blogs and share their concern that, in this neck of the woods, our Meetings seem overwhelmingly white and middle to upper class. I am worried about those elements of our culture that may be off-putting to others and...well just about becoming too insulated myself. I am worried about the "I can't" that speaks inside me to some of my leadings...worried that I am not living up to the tradition of those Quaker women who jumped on a horse, left the ten kids at home, and rode off to do what the Inner Light demanded of the same time as I feel a certain animosity towards a mother who would ride away from her children and after God...or maybe that's a certain animosity towards God, for asking it. There is so much I have not yet discerned.

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