Saturday, March 01, 2008

Leap Day Joy/Leap Day Annoy

The Lone Star Baby is really not a morning person. Possibly, she is just a grouch most of the time. She definitely does not like getting off to school in the mornings, as the neighbors can confirm (yikes). I do believe she loves her school. Many days she would rather stay home with her mommy than deal with the formidable task of restraining her natural impulses in favor of grace and courtesy all day, but she still loves it. Even if I did not have to work, I would send her for the morning-only program at this age, three. She is the sort of child who needs more stimulation than I would be able to entirely provide at home without driving myself crazy. Still. Mornings are no fun at our house.

Yesterday morning was fun, though. The Lone Star Baby's school was closed for one of its numerous staff days and the Lone Star Baby had been eagerly anticipating her day with Ms. Aubrey all week. Ms. Aubrey is a friend of mine from La Leche League, with three kids, one just a tad younger than the Lone Star Baby. She started babysitting the LSB for me on days when the school is closed last school year and the LSB loves her. Yesterday morning, the Lone Star Baby woke up squealing today is the day I am going to see Ms. Aubrey! You have to love that. They had a lovely day together and I was so pleased. Sadly, Ms. Aubrey is moving this summer. I don't know what we'll do next year...

After school yesterday before I left, I got a page to come to the office. It was the Lone Star Girl, hysterical on the phone. She had realized upon boarding her bus that she had forgotten something and asked the bus driver to wait while she got it. She claims that kids do this a lot and that the bus driver agreed. When she got back to the bus, however, the bus was gone - with her backpack, her laptop and her lunch box. This made the evening a bit more complicated, as I was supposed to be picking up the LSB and Lone Star Pa was supposed to be picking her up at home and we were all supposed to meet at the tax office at 6pm for our appointment. I couldn't reach Lone Star Pa and had to pick up both girls, which meant I couldn't get to the bus barn before it closed at 5:30pm. Lucky for us, it is open from 5am to 9am on Saturdays. We went out there today and got the stuff - no harm, no foul. And we made the tax appointment last night.

Now I'm going to take a nap.

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