Sunday, March 09, 2008

Cookie Chronicles

The past few weeks have been a blur of delivering the Girl Scout cookies, collecting the money and booth sales. Have I mentioned that this is my least favorite part of Girl Scouts? I like the cookies, mind you - just not selling them. The Lone Star Girl had two booth sales the weekend before last and one booth sale last weekend. Our cookie money officially got turned in on Friday, so we should be done, but we have some cookies left over from booth sales and need to hoof them or our troop will get stuck paying for them out of the part of our cookie money that we keep to pay for the girls' activities. Of course, we've sold all of the Thin Mints and Samoas, which are the ones people really want, so we are trying to unload Tagalongs, Trefoils, All Abouts and the new Lemon Chalet cookies - sigh. Almost done, almost done...


  1. For me, Girl Scout Cookies ARE Thin Mints and Samoas. Tagalongs are just fine, too, as long as there's coffee or tea to cut the impact of the peanut butter. I wonder if booth sales should just focus on the ones "everyone" wants and ordering be for the less popular cookies.

    Unsolicited advice that you've probably already thought about...:)

  2. It's a complicated process. The way it works is, we take orders. Then, when it's time to to order the cookies to fill our orders, we sort of guess on how many to order for booth sales. You can only order by the case, so we have to order enough of each kind to fill the difference between orders and full cases, but beyond that we do mainly shoot for Thin Mints and Samoas for booth sales. Our Wally World one this year didn't go as well as expected, though. We are lucky that our Council gets the good cookies, at least. There are 2 (maybe 3 - I think 2) makers of GS cookies and different councils contract with different ones. My little cousins in LA used to get the others and they don't even have Samoas! Just these sucky carmel delites. The Little Brownie Bakers rule.
