Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thirteen Years

Time marches on, though. Tuesday was also the 13th anniversary of our marriage. Thirteen years sound like a long time, doesn't it? It still doesn't seem possible that it has been that long, although, in many ways, Lone Star Pa has grown into a totally different man than he was...or maybe just into a man instead of the boy he still was at 26. We were probably the couple who would have been voted most likely to divorce if young adults voted on such things, both because of our stormy temperaments and because of some serious things we weathered in the first year of our marriage...but here we are. Most of our friends who met as coeds, as we did, and then married are now divorced...a sad thing for us all...but I cannot imagine life without Lone Star Pa.

Sometimes I still wonder what sort of marriage we will have when the children are grown as our marriage is definitely very centered around them...but, sadly, I think the world is changing into something that may necessitate our maintaining a strong home base for them and our grandchildren forever, if possible, so it may not be an issue. And, of course, there are some important things about our marriage that we share when the children are elsewhere...but I understand that those things can also be a bit fleeting, even if they do not seem so is nice to be a woman of a certain age.

I do not pretend to know what the future will bring, but our marriage has made it soundly past the challenges I truly feared and I am content in it. I love Lone Star Pa and look forward to the next 13 years, and then the next 13, etc.