Sunday, February 24, 2008

Do The Texas Two-Step: One More Reason To Love Obama

We are getting an average of three campaign calls daily, I would say, and my informal observation puts them at two to one in favor of the Obama campaign - way to rock it, people!

Today, I found an Obama flier in my mailbox that truly warmed my heart. It said "Do The Texas Two-Step", and went on to explain how one needs to vote (Step One) and then go to your local precinct caucus at 7pm on election night (Step Two!). It explains how a third of the delegates are chosen at the caucuses and, while it did not go on to explain how the Party Platform planks are also agreed upon there, I am still way impressed.

It has been sort of a thing for me, since I was active in the Young Democrats in my college days, that so few Americans understand the importance of participating in their local precinct caucuses and conventions. These few minutes are where the democracy happens and if you are not there, you are giving up your voice. I am so proud of my candidate for explaining this to voters!

I am a happy Obama Mama.

1 comment:

  1. I know I was not aware of it- thanks for educating me!
