Friday, December 07, 2007


I really wanted to see the movie Waitress when it came out.  It had gotten some great reviews from women I respected and I wanted-to-see-it.  I missed it, though, and never was able to find it at the dollar movie, though I kept checking, so I was really-super looking forward to its DVD-debut last week.  Knowing this, my darling sister, Jazz, got it for me as an early Christmas present and we watched it some recent night, the exact date of which I am too tired to remember.  It was great!  Bad Baby Pie!  I loved it!  I also realized something.

Jazz and the Lone Star Girl and I have a regular Wednesday night date to watch The Bionic Woman when it's on ... we love the new version, even though her job is pretty evil.  It is a girl thing we do, and Waitress made me realize what we really need ... Sisterhood-Is-Powerful Movie Nights!  Frequent nights when Jazz and I watch great grrrl-power movies - with the sometimes attendance of junior-woman,  the Lone Star Girl.  Yes!

Waitress became our first official instance of a Sisterhood-Is-Powerful Movie Night and we quickly followed it up with a viewing of our old taped-from-TV copy of The Heidi Chronicles.  I had actually showed this to Jazz when she was a young teen and told her always to remember Scoop's attitude about living with an A+ and to beware of men like him, but she had totally forgotten already...sigh.  She is very interested in art history, so I knew she should see it again.  Hopefully, she'll remember it this time!

These two were not suitable for the junior woman but some will be.  I'm so excited about this new institution!  

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