Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

I hope you had a lovely one. Ours was very nice. We had a potluck dinner at the home of the clerk of our Meeting with their family and another Quaker family, including our newest Friend who is not quite a month old - so sweet! It is not often that my home is filled with the smell of cooking as it was when we prepared our contributions, so we must treasure such times. The girls helped me snap beans and the baby helped me stuff my holiday squash. This squash is the only truly impressive thing I can cook. My recipe:

Acorn Squash, 1 for every two people who are dining
Apples, peeled and chopped, equal in number to squash

Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. Cut acorn squash in half and remove seeds and pulp, creating a little hollow where the seeds and pulp were. (The seeds grow very satisfyingly in most parts of Texas if thrown into the yard.) Place squash halves with the flat, cut sides down on baking sheets and bake for approximately 30 minutes.T urn baked squash halves over as best as you can – it takes a little balancing against the others to set them upright on their uncut sides – and sprinkle the hollowed out parts liberally with sugar and cinnamon. Place a little butter in the hollows and stuff with chopped apples. Return to oven and bake for approximately fifteen minutes. Remove from oven and add more butter, sugar and cinnamon to the top. Return to oven and bake for 15 – 30 more minutes or until tender.