Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lone Star Girl Undercover

The Lone Star Girl did a good job with Project Undercover this year, and largely without parental assistance, which was nice for me. Our Girl Scouts always participate in Project Undercover at this time of year, as part of Make A Difference Day. They collect underwear, diapers, socks, etc. for children in the care of Child Protective Services. When they were younger, they usually made and set out donation boxes at their various schools and gave out fliers and had the drive announced at school, but donations were always kind of hard to come by. Once, more recently, they participated in a big event with their service unit where the cost of admission was a donation to Project Undercover.This year they did something a little different. They took bags, with attached fliers, to teachers and neighbors and such and asked if the teachers/neighbors/such might be willing to fill the bags with Project Undercover donations before they returned to collect them later that week. Many people took bags and the girls collected quite a lot of underclothes and diapers for foster children. I was very proud of them.

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