Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Eleven-Year-Old Girl

Halloween is the Lone Star Girl's birthday and so she turned eleven on Tuesday. Eleven.

We woke her in the morning with a piece of orange yarn to follow to her presents and a tasty breakfast. Lone Star Pa was able to take that day off of work and had lunch with her at school. He also took her and the Lone Star Baby out for an early dinner at the cafe at the H-E-B Plus (her choice) before I got home to help prepare them for trick-or-treating. After trick-or-treating, my dad and my stepmom came over and we had cookie cake and ice cream. Her slumber party is this night, the following Saturday, and I am typing this as the big girls finally seem to be slumbering in the living room a few yards away. Eleven.

The Lone Star Girl was born at 7:40 in the morning on 10-31-95. I had gotten to the hospital on the 29th so that was a little bit later than I had expected, although she wasn't due until November 10th. I had a slow labor that began sluggishly after my water first broke and was probably further stalled by an epidural that I finally accepted 24 hours or so into the hospital waiting. I barely missed getting sectioned towards the end and would have gotten cut with most any doctor but the one I had, probably, given the long period of time after the water breaking and all. It was a fairly difficult and scary experience that convinced me that I did not want to spend so much time in the hospital the next time around, but there was no arguing with my results. The Lone Star Girl was an entirely delightful baby who was never a problem as long as she was being carried. I am grateful for her babyhood and her childhood. Raising her has been my most important purpose. It does not seem that the raising of her could be so close to completion as it is.

She has been the very center of my life. Eleven.

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