Friday, November 10, 2006

Many Happy Returns

Election Day went pretty well in a lot of ways. Charter Amendment One failed so we Corpus folk still get open access to our beaches. We gained a democratic seat on our delegation in the Lege. We won some small stuff. Plenty good.

We did have some bad stuff that was significant - most of our local races went to Republicans which is very new for our part of the state...and, of course, we are still stuck with Governor Hair, thanks to Kinky and Strayhorn taking away Democratic votes from Bell - yuck. Double yuck, even.

The big news is on the national front, though, with both the House and Senate back in the hands of the Dems...yay! I am too excited that we are going to get our first ever woman Speaker of the House!! All in all, I think things went pretty well considering this rather dark era of history that we are inhabiting.


  1. Things are improving...finally.
    It's good to read your words again. I've been on a break but am back.

  2. I miss you! I am feeling lonely over here!

  3. Yes! Finally some good news, yes? Hopefully this is only the start of many changes and into a brighter era.
