Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lone Star Ma Magazine seeks submissions for Issue #9

That's right, Mamas! My insanity has struck again! It's not like I really have the money OR the time, but...I must! I must! I am shooting for a deadline of New Year's Day, for an issue to come out in April-ish time. I'm trying to be realistic but we'll see!

If you are not familar with Lone Star Ma please go to (see sidebar link) to get the feel of it. Also, please read our submission guidelines there. Submissions should be e-mailed to, though. Be aware that I am pretty much through with how-to-ish is always hard for me to turn one from a talented real-life mama away, so I've included some over the years, but it really isn't what we are about. For features, I want personal essays on the mothering life and I especially want parenthood-is-political advocacy pieces. Things with a Texas emphasis are always best, but the universal is also fine. If the old submissions I accepted for this issue are still mine to use, this is what I still need:

1-3 feature articles

2-3 mama-poems

1 mama fiction story

Yellow Rose Reviews: a review of a great, out-of-the-mainstream baby/children's book, toy, etc.

Longhorn Lactation: a kick-ass breastfeeding advocacy piece

Vegetarian Vittles: family-friendly vegetarian recipes, resources and stories for veg. families.

I'd also like listings for Texas parenting groups, LLL and API meetings, playgroups, regularly-scheduled anti-war-toy demonstrations, etc.

I know you have some brilliant stuff for me, mamas! Let's put it out there! Thanks and lots of Love,
Lone Star Ma

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