Thursday, October 05, 2006

What a Find...

Not this past Monday, but the Monday before, Lone Star Pa and I both had to work but the girls' schools were both closed. My school had a staff development and conference day, so I could take the Lone Star Girl along and park her in the teachers' lounge with a book, but that wasn't something that would work with the Lone Star Baby. I had made arrangements with one of the newer La Leche League Leaders, who has a little boy about the LSB's age, to watch her at their apartment on those days as a babysitter.

There were, of course, some tears at drop off, but they dried up really fast and this wonderful woman sent home a note about the LSB's activities and dated pictures and everything at the end of the day. The Lone Star Baby was very enthusiastic about the experience and I was impressed. Very impressed.

I realized that night that I had left the LSB's blanket at this wonderful person's home. I packed a different blanket for school and figured I would catch up with that blanket later. Then, a few days later, I noticed that the original blanket was in the LSB's school bag and decided I must have left it at school and not at the babysitter's house. This past Tuesday night, I got to see, much to the LSB's excitement and delight, the great babysitter at a LLL meeting. She told me she had realized that she had the LSB's blanket and taken it to her school the next day, worried that the LSB would need it at naptime. Wow....

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