Saturday, September 09, 2006

September Herstory: Jane Addams

I've been so swamped with school that I neglected to mention that Wednesday the 6th was the birthday of Jane Addams. Jane Addams is my primary hero/role model (besides my mom). She was the mainstay of the settlement house movement in the United States in her time, the founder of the social work profession, a Quaker by birth, a feminist and a peace activist and a founder of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom as well as a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Hull House was a nexus for the start of many other social movements as well - public health, child labor laws, the juvenile justice system - it was an amazing time and Jane Addams and the network of activist women she formed and nurtured over the years were amazing women. I have fallen so far short of my desires to walk in her footsteps. Thinking of her always reminds me that I must do more.


  1. I admire that you have chose such an amazing heroine. Horray for you! Happy b-day Jane!

  2. I've (been) driven by Hull House. I wish we had gone in.
