Monday, September 04, 2006

Drinking Inequality At The Breast

It is honestly extremely hard for most anyone to manage pumping milk for their babies in the Western work culture, but women in white collar jobs have it tons better than do other women who want to keep breastfeeding. At my old job, I had a private office and that helped a lot. A woman who worked as a clerk in the little court next to us pumped in the bathroom until I found out and offered her my office. There were women with private offices at the court - a judge and an attorney and a court supervisor - but none of them offered. It is far too often like that, and worse.

On Friday, the New York Times printed the following article on this important topic. I am glad that someone is paying attention.

On the Job, Nursing Mothers Find a 2-Class System

1 comment:

  1. Well, now I know what I'm going to do with a lot of that money I'll have as a philanthropist. Sheesh. You should check out the Bon Marche turned Macy's in Seattle. There's a lovely large lounge area for women with plenty of outlets.
