Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bye-Bye, Breastpump

The Medela Pump-In-Style that I used to obtain milk for the Lone Star Baby while I was at work during her first year actually belongs to my sister, passed down from a lady she used to nanny for - so it is one of the older ones. It served us very well in our pumping season, but although the Lone Star Baby still nurses, I haven't used the pump since she turned a year old a little over a year ago. Now my sister is pregnant with her second child, so when they came to visit this weekend, I cleaned up the pump and passed it back to her. I have to admit that even though I do not use it anymore, it makes me sort of uncomfortable not to have it around, just in case we needed it for some reason. It was just such a crucially important part of our lives that year. I sort of miss it.

1 comment:

  1. Aw...goodbye, breast pump...

    And congratulations to your sister!
