Wednesday, August 09, 2006


The last two days of last week were New Teacher Induction/Orientation and Monday, yesterday and today are staff development. Tomorrow and Friday are Teacher Work Days. I've been in and out of my classroom for the last few weeks, getting set up as much as possible. My classroom is really big and beautiful - I am impressed. I really already have it all decorated and set up, but I always find more that I want to do. I am working on lesson plans for the first six weeks. I had the first week of plans ready, but have found out that there is no kind of homeroom mini-period for taking-care-of-business stuff so I am having to revise everything to allow for all of the business and student paperwork needs of the first day of school. Busy, busy!


  1. It actually sounds exciting, LSM! Even though I am reluctant in many ways to go back into teaching...I really do miss it. I miss prep. days and school supplies and the smell of new school clothes and books and everything that comes along with it. It sounds like you have a really fun job. You are inspiring me!

  2. Well, wish me luck! I am so scared!
