Friday, August 11, 2006

Lone Star Facts on Fridays: Squeaky Voices

Amarillo has the world's largest helium well.


  1. Although I have no idea what a hellium wheel is? (sp?) I do want to comment on your comment from my blog, lol. Yes, water = God and spirituality and guidance. I feel the same way. Rivers which move and waves which flow in and out are signs IRL and in my dreams of change and replenishing and growth. I find them especially comforting in my dreams. I feel like I am being lead in a direction, it's just hard not knowing what that direction is. I guess that is where true faith comes in.

  2. A helium well is where they get helium(:

    I'm right with you, there. We are the sea-children. It is hard to have faith - those water dreams always help me, though.
