Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Jangly Daycare Mornings

While next week is back-to-school proper for my girls, this week was back-to-daycare after having the summer off with Lone Star Pa. They were not amused.

I am taking the Lone Star Girl to work with me today, after assessing whether or not this would be okay, but we had to make arrangements for Monday and Tuesday while I was figuring it out. At ten-going-on-eleven, I do not think she is ready to be left alone for more than a very short period, very infrequently. I just don't see the maturity yet. I tried to find something she would enjoy, but there wasn't anything. The YWCA is having a great leadership program for girls her age that I think she would love, but the times - 8:30 to 3:30 - just don't work for us. The lady in charge there is the former head of the Girl Scouts so I tried to get her to let the Lone Star Girl "volunteer" with her before and after, but she would not go for it. So we had to go to Plan B...A Special Place, or Hell, as the Lone Star Girl thinks of it. A Special Place is a daycare run by a lady I was in training with years ago at Child Protective Services. They are licensed to take kids up to age 13 and I have used them for the occasional off-day when we could not make other arrangements over the years that the LSG has been in school. Mostly, there are toddlers and pre-schoolers there, though, and even though the LSG is usually very into helping with little ones, she hates being at A Special Place, the boredom of which she waxes very dramatic about. They are nice people and keep her safe but she hates it so much she threatens all sort of mayhem when faced with her less-than-three-days-every-two-years-or-so stays there. It's been fun.

The Lone Star Baby's school has Play Days this week for those of us needing care and I think she is really having fun there, based upon her evening conversations. After a summer at home, though, she is having hysterics in the mornings when I drop her off.

Great mornings. Really great.

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