Saturday, August 19, 2006

First Week of School - My Girls

The girls started school on Monday in their plaid dresses and they have had a great week.

I worried about having to drop the Lone Star Girl off as early as we generally do the rest of the school year and having to leave her at Latchkey after school on the very first day this year (because of my job), so I had gotten her a card with a bead bracelet in it to open when I left, but actually, her teacher was there, letting them in early when we got there, so all was well. She had a great day and a great week. She's in a great class with lots of kids she will really have fun with during the year. Fifth grade is semi-departmentalized at her school so this year her whole class travels as a group to different teachers for every major subject. All of the teachers seem brilliant and creative and wonderful. The school gave the fifth graders jobs to help acclimate new students. The Lone Star Girl gave a presentation on Destination Imagination to new parents and has been responsible for seeing to it that a class of first graders gets to Latchkey safely after school (there are no kindergarteners at her school). She is revelling in the responsibility. The Lone Star Girl has tended to be fairly negative about school since about the first grade as she is a bit too out-of-the-box for such a rigid system, but she has been beautifully positive this week. We are thrilled.

The Lone Star Baby is also having a great time at school. She is settling right in when I drop her off in the morning and is full of news when I come home at night. She told me I colored a monkey! on the first day, with the same excitement in her voice that I expect to someday hear when she says I'm getting married! or I'm having a baby! or I'm going to Mars! It was great. They were making monkey face masks.

A great week of school for my girls!

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful to hear they are loving school!

    I would not be too surprised to hear LSB is going to Mars (later, I mean). I know the tone you mean and it is so good to hear :)
