Friday, July 21, 2006

Sea-Child and the Wave-Daughters Adventure

I took my girls to the beach again yesterday but we went out to the Padre Island National Seashore this time, where you have to park at a parking lot and haul your stuff in instead of driving right up to the place where you are going to settle down by the water. It is very pristine and nice but a little too difficult to do very often if it is just us going, not to mention expensive. My brother and sister had gotten a seven-day pass to the park when they were in town and left it for us to use so we did. It was fun.

The Lone Star Baby was still quite fearless about the water and scared me a couple of times with her independence, yanking away from me to stand up by herself in the shallows and getting knocked down for a split-second by waves that happened along at just those moments. She really loves the water. She was a little cautious about the sand for awhile this time, remembering with concern that there are "little animals" in it, but she soon decided it was fun, too. The Lone Star Girl was a bit whiny about having to stick to the shallows because of her sister but she had a lot of fun, too. She liked the backdrop of the dunes and the beauty of Malaquite beach.

We have another little seaweed scientist baby. She was quite taken wth the sargassum and the little air bladders that keep it afloat. When the Lone Star Girl was in the second grade, she did a science project on sargassum and beach erosion that won second place (sargassum does help prevent beach erosion) so I guess seaweed-love runs in the family. I like it myself. The Lone Star Baby spent a busy stretch picking up clumps of sargassum that had washed up onto the sand and throwing them back into the waves. When the Lone Star Girl realized that this might extend the weed's lifespan, she started doing it, too. They had a good time with that for awhile and then we went on a seashell-observation walk.

Neither of them wanted to leave when it was time. It was a great day.

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