Sunday, July 09, 2006

Robot Arm

We have automated trash collection in our neighborhood, where a big truck comes by and picks up the standard-issue trash receptacle from our curb with a robot arm, empties it into the truck, then sets it back down and drives off, twice a week. One of those days is Saturday, so we are usually home for it. The Lone Star Baby loves that robot arm! When she hears the truck coming outside, she starts squealing robot! robot! and rushes to the window to watch it. Sometimes we go outside and watch it. Once we followed it all around the neighborhood.


  1. :) Wow, robot arms! Who would not want to see that?

    They do it by hand here, lol.

  2. Lucia would go mad for the robot arms.

    By the way, I am waiting for some Spider-Girl books to arrive in the mail. Excitement abounds!
